
2003 What I can do for Others The Iraq War began and the Space Shuttle Columbia broke apart this year. Tragedies everywhere. So, we chose the theme of the year 2003 “What I can do for Others”. We hoped children to know affection toward others. We knew children were happy to find their volunteer work in every place. Participating countries: United States., Czech Republic, Netherlands, Korea, Myanmar, China, Japan Applications from abroad: 240 from domestic: 98 338 in total The 8 th Exhibition

アメリカ USA

アメリカ USA

アメリカ USA

アメリカ USA

オランダ NLD

オランダ NLD

ミャンマー MMR

チェコ CZE

チェコ CZE

中国 CHN

ミャンマー MMR

中国 CHN

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